About Us

The website’s Vision is for Frenchie Breed to be an informative leader in news and information for the pet sector. They focus on enriching the relationship between people and their pets. Frenchie Breed donates 10% of its affiliate commissions to animal charities.

Our Mission Is To Help And Inform Dog Owners Every Day.

Our motto is we rescue an animal to offer it a family life, not to send it to the pound.

Our Vision

Dogs have accompanied man for about 10,000 years. As a result, he has been able to live very naturally, and both partners have benefited from each other.

Today, it is different: the dog is involved in humans' lives, and its natural way of life is primarily lost. Many breeds have been bred for man’s pleasure, causing significant problems.

Our motto is: we rescue an animal to offer it a family life, not to send it to the pound. Otherwise, we should see it live free so that its life is determined by natural laws, which have always been the basis of the earth’s system.

Portrait di MaryGrace Tropeano is a chief business officer of the website Frenchie breed.

Our Mission

Frenchie Breed aims to be an innovative leader in news, information, and service in the pet sector, as well as in continuous improvement and technological progress.
This ambitious objective leads to training and constant renovation, integrating management systems subject to improvement, prioritising quality, reliability of the service offered, and reader satisfaction.
Every day, our work is directed towards clear and transparent objectives:
Enriching the unique relationship between people and pets through our mindset, recommended products, services, and constant information.
A great love for animals and a strong awareness of the sense and correctness of our activities enable us to develop consistently high-quality dog articles and information.
We cooperate with many customers, employees, and suppliers. Our behaviour is characterised by solidarity, reliability, honesty, and respect.

Portrait di Gabriel Tropeano a copywrite for website frenchie breed.

Focus Points

  • Responsibility: Each individual consciously perceives the demands
    that are made of them. In doing so, we take
    responsibility for our actions. We treat ourselves, our fellow humans, and our environment
    respectfully in all decisions.
  • Passion: With passion, we develop a positive atmosphere in
    our collaboration. We live for our strengths, and
    we live for our ideas and visions.
  • Respect: We pay attention to the performance of our readers and collaborators.
    We treat each other with respect. The achievements of others are
    acknowledged, and necessary criticism is expressed within
    the appropriate framework. We recognise competence and authority
    while maintaining a critical vision.


Every month, Frenchie Breed donates 10% of its commissions collected through affiliate links to the following associations:

RSPCA is the largest charity operating in England and Wales, promoting animal welfare.

Dog Trust, an animal rescue charity, provides care for dogs and support for their owners.

Freshfields was founded almost 50 years ago to protect the companions of large and small animals, farm animals and sick and injured wildlife.

French Bulldog Saviours (FBS) French Bulldog Rescue Association was founded in 2013 by Lindsey Scanlon.

Scotland’s animal welfare charity, we’ve been on hand to protect animals and prevent cruelty for 180 years.
Adopt a Bull Terrier Rescue is a rescue charity in the UK.

Group of Cocker and English Springer Spaniel owners that In October 2016, we became a UK Registered Charity.

Battersea dogs are all ready to find a new home.

People's Dispensary for Sick Animals (PDSA) is a veterinary charity in the United Kingdom.

Meet our Fabulous Team!

Thanks for allowing me to use the images below. Jafar Bdran is an information and social media security expert.

Frenchie Breed, Team Chief Executive Officer.

Christian the Lion - Chief Executive Officer

Frenchie Breed, Team Chief Operations Officer.

Beowulf - Chief Operation Officer


Brutus - Chief Financial Officer

Frenchie Breed, Team IT.

Acheta domesticus - Chief Technology Officer

Frenchie Breed, Team Chief Marketing Officer.

Apollo - Chief Marketing Officer

Frenchie Breed, Team Chief Human Resources Officer.

Dunston - Chief Human Resources Officer

Frenchie Breed, Team Sales Representative.

Plucky - Sales Representative

Frenchie Breed, Team Account Executive.

Winston- Account Executive

Frenchie Breed, Team Audit.

Thor - Chief Marketing Officer

Frenchie Breed, Team Developer.

Dunston - Chief Human Resources Officer

Frenchie Breed, Team Art Director.

Jingles - Art Director

Frenchie Breed, Team Art Media Player.

Duke - Media Player

Frenchie Breed, Team Art Intern.

George - Intern

Frenchie Breed, Team Art Copywriter.

Ms. Star - Copywriter

Frenchie Breed, Team Art Creative Director.

Paddington - Creative Director

Frenchie Breed, Team Art Strategy Head.

Mr. Duke - Media Player

Frenchie Breed, Team Art Supply chain.

Leonardo - Supply-chain

Frenchie Breed, Team Art Secretary

Sephira - Secretary

Thank you for reading with us!

All about dogs and beyond, we are expanding our vision to become the starting point for information about our furry ones, with topical articles to stay up-to-date on the latest happenings or news in the dog field and others on more specific areas, such as education and behaviour, health and well-being, nutrition, veterinary medicine and regulations, always to have a guide at hand. We are just getting started. Join us.


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