Trendy dog breeds. The latest handbag model, a pair of stylish shoes, a purebred puppy? Despite the abundance of beautiful animals cramming British shelters, some still buy ‘trendy’ breeds from breeders or pet shops.

Why? The answer often lies in our web surfing habitsSocial media and celebrities have increased the demand for certain breeds or designer dogs, influencing suggestible fans to obtain look-alikes immediately.

Famous films and TV series are also often responsible for this: ‘101 Dalmatians‘ increased sales of Dalmatian dogs, ‘Revenge of the Blondes‘ encouraged dozens of fans to obtain Chihuahuas and ‘Game of Thrones‘ kicked off a real Husky craze.

A harmful fad

According to the latest fad, buying dogs is harmful. Here’s why. Dogs are sensitive individuals with complex needs. They require space, time, and an income beyond food and toys to pay vet bills, supplements, and training.
It is a choice that lasts a lifetime and must be suitable for the owner and the dog, whose needs will continue to grow and change between 10 and 20 years.

When people buy dogs impulsively, they often have no idea how much it takes to care for these animals properly. Unsurprisingly, the number of Dalmatian, Chihuahua, and Husky dogs taken to shelters increased dramatically after their popularity spread because of the films above and TV programmes.

Who thinks of the strays?

People often buy dogs impulsively without considering the long-term commitment required to care for them properly.
Dogs are complex individuals with needs that must be met. Impulsively buying a dog without understanding the commitment can lead to neglect and abandonment.

Moreover, the purchase of ‘trendy‘ dogs contributes to the crisis of stray animals. Currently, tens of thousands of dogs and cats in England – and millions more worldwide – are staring at the bars of their cages in shelters, waiting for a home that does not materialise. For every fashionable dog sold, another one fighting for its life on the street or staying in a shelter loses a home, and the number of these animals is increasing.

Although England is a nation that legally affirms the rights of strays, animal protection laws are rarely enforced. statistics show that residents abandon nine cats and five dogs every hour, often simply because they are moving or going on holiday or are tired of caring for them.

In addition to the abandonment trauma, animals not handed over to shelters face a terrifying existence, seeking food and protection on the streets. Many become injured or ill without access to proper veterinary care.

Unhealthy breeding

In addition to increasing the number of stray animals, breeding dogs to satisfy the arbitrary whims of humans regarding their appearance also harms the animals. Often, they are intentionally mated in bloodlines and bred to have grotesquely deformed features, such as the chapped muzzles of Bulldogs, Pugs, Boxers and other breeds with respiratory difficulties.

Through play, you can entertain your dog and find lots of fun games on ETSY made entirely by hand for your four-legged friend.

These dogs struggle with every breath and have a higher risk of eye problems, diabetes, obesity, skin problems, gastrointestinal disorders and dental problems, among many other ailments.

Purebred or designer animals that accumulate ‘likes‘ on Instagram are often condemned to a life of pain and premature death; It is estimated that one in four ‘purebred‘ dogs suffer from serious health problems, including crippling hip dysplasia, blindness, deafness, heart defects and epilepsy.

Animals are not status symbols or fashion accessories but living, sensitive individuals who deserve respect and care. If you are financially and emotionally ready to welcome a four-legged family member into your home, visit your local shelter, where you will find countless affectionate and playful animals that, despite not being social media stars, will make excellent companions.

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