End animal testing. Petition to stop lethal animal testing. It’s a true crime that these ferocious tests are still happening! We have been campaigning for this for over 25 years, and still, the powers are not listening!! The time for change is long overdue!

Help end animal testing with lethal doses: time for better science. Animal experiments – such as the Lethal Dose 50% (LD50) test – are cruel, obsolete and scientifically unreliable.

LD50 is a measure of the toxicity of a substance. It is defined as the dose of a sense that is lethal to 50% of a population of test animals. LD50 values are typically expressed in milligrams of substance per kilogram of body weight.

  • For example, if the LD50 of a substance is 100 milligrams per kilogram of body weight, it would take 100 milligrams of the substance to kill 50% of a population of test animals that weigh 1 kilogram each.
  • Fortunately, there are now more advanced ways to test the toxicity of substances without using animal tests that are almost 100 years old. We call on the government and industry to replace LD50 testing with science made for the 1920s, not the 20s. It is time for better science!

Sign the petition to end animal testing.

Sign the petition to end animal testing. #EndAnimalTesting

Also, sign the petition to end animal testing with lethal doses.

A lot has changed since the invention of the LD50 in 1927: we have launched rockets and satellites into space, we carry powerful computers in our pockets, and artificial intelligence is about to transform our lives. Yet despite its apparent flaws, this essential and antiquated LD50 test is still in use today and kills around 80,000 animals annually in the EU alone.

Fortunately, there are now much better and more reliable ways to test the safety of substances than the LD50 test. We can examine subtle changes in cultured human cells, use powerful software to model and predict how humans will react, and even use human organ-on-a-chip technology. These devices are seeded with human cells to provide relevant and accurate data.

Animal Aid has funded scientists at the non-animal research lab, XCellR8, to develop a substitute for LD50 testing. This non-animal surrogate, AcutoX, is now ready to be used by the industry to assess the safety of products, which is extremely exciting and can save millions of lives worldwide. However, we now need industry and government to ensure this new test is used to provide sound science for 2023.

Animal testing is a controversial topic.

However, there are also several arguments against animal testing. (And we at Frenchie Breed are in entire agreement.)One idea is that it is cruel and unnecessary. Animals used in research are often subjected to painful and stressful procedures and may be killed at the end of the experiment.

Another argument against animal testing is that it is not always reliable. The results of animal studies do not always translate to humans, and there have been some cases where drugs that were safe and effective in animals are harmful to humans.

Recently, there has been a growing movement to replace animal testing with alternative methods. These methods include computer modelling, cell culture, and human tissue studies. While these methods are imperfect, they are becoming increasingly sophisticated and reliable.

The debate over animal testing will likely continue for many years. However, it is essential to remember that animal testing is not the only research method. Some alternative plans can be used, which should be used whenever possible.

Join us in calling for urgent action by the government and those conducting the tests to end animal testing and ensure the LD50 test does not reach 100. It’s time for better science #EndLD50.

Animal testing is controversial, with some people arguing that it is necessary for medical research and product safety testing, while others say it is cruel and unnecessary.

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