It is the best dog exercise. Every dog owner is always looking for ways to keep their dog healthy, as hard as it is for humans to exercise, the same as it is for dogs to exercise to have a healthy lifestyle.

Dogs are enthusiastic animals, and this enthusiasm makes them happy and active when playing and going out. However, sometimes, dogs also need a push for exercise. Dogs are great learners; you can teach them anything.

Exercise and walking are also two things you can train your dogs for. Getting your dogs trained for walking and exercising is also something that most pet owners know how to do. But here we will tell you the seven best dog exercise ideas to consider so that you can train your dog and get it healthy. Here are the best dog exercise ideas to do together with your dog.

1. Walking

Every dog loves going for a walk, and walking is recommended for any dog, but specifically for dogs who struggle with intense exercises. Walking with your dog is one of the most therapeutic things you could ever do; also, it is perfect for bonding with you two.

Walking is a slow-paced exercise that puts a small load on the joints and is not very tiring, yet it has many benefits for overweight and normal dogs.

Walking is also a great way to increase stamina for exercise. You can enjoy walking with your dog by having a friend with you or taking a cup of coffee along the way. A sniff walk is an excellent way for your dog to become familiar with all the smells.

2. Treadmill

The image shows a tan mixed-breed dog standing on a home treadmill, demonstrating indoor exercise equipment as a solution for dog fitness.
The treadmill could help your dogs or cats gain enough exercise, helping them lose weight and keep healthy.

The treadmill is an excellent way of getting your dog used to exercising. It can also be something they love doing. It only takes a few weeks to train your dog on the treadmill.

You can even use your treadmill if you have a small dog, but larger dogs need a specialized treadmill.

A treadmill at home is great for exercising when you don’t want to go outside or when the weather is terrible. It isn’t hard to train your dog for the treadmill; you need to consult your veteran, and he’ll let you know the tricks.

3. Jogging Best Dog Exercise

Jogging is also the best way for your dog to exercise. It is primarily suitable for active dogs who need high-paced exercises. Jogging is also a great way of bonding with your dog and clearing your head in your free time while running with your dog. It is suitable for both of you.

Highly active dogs have an advantage over joggers. We recommend waiting until your dog is one year old before taking it jogging. Dogs younger than a year old have tiny joints, and you should wait until their joints are developed enough to bear the load of jogging.

For overweight dogs or dogs with arthritis, jogging is not recommended as it can stress the joints. Also, you should watch your dog during jogging to see if they are overheating or tired.

4. Best Dog Exercise: let’s play Hide-and-Seek

Most dogs love playing hide-and-seek. It is an excellent way for dogs to use their brains and keep them activated. It also keeps them engaged and helps them in training.

Once you start communicating with your dog and he understands words like sit, stand, stay, go, and come, it will be easy to play hide-and-seek with him.

Here’s what you can do. First of all, you have to bring your dog to a room. Then, ask them to sit there and leave the room. Then, when you hide, ask them to come and find you. When they do find you, cheer them up and give them a treat. After one or two times, your dog will get excited about laying it.

5. Sit-Ups

Sit-ups are another option for dog exercise. But it should be designed especially for dogs. You can easily make them do sit-ups after establishing communication words like sit-stand with your dog.

It would be best to start ten times more. There should be a break between the sit-ups. After completing them successfully, you should treat them so they are happy to do them again.

6. Stairs Rounds

If your house has stairs, you don’t have to go outside for your dog’s exercise. You can also do it with your dog. Please ensure no hurdles on the stairs or water spilling to avoid tripping and hurting oneself.

It is a risky exercise as there are many chances of injury, like dog tripping or dogs getting under your feet. Also, it is difficult for some dogs like dachshunds.

You should do this exercise with large, agile dogs and, above all, without running. Instead, go up and down the stairs naturally, as if you were walking.

7. Best Dog Exercise: let’s play Frisbee

A tan and white dog leaping high into the air to catch a blue frisbee, captured mid-jump against a blurred green background.
Who Said Exercise Can't Be Fun? This Pup Got the Memo!

You must have seen many dogs excitedly playing with a frisbee. Yes, it is their favourite game and an excellent way for dogs to exercise. You can invite your friends or neighbours' dogs to play Frisbee together to make it more fun.

8. Tug Of War

It is a two-person game where you play with your dog by throwing things like a ball or a toy at your friend. You will throw any object their way without letting the dog catcher, and your dog will excitedly sprint back and forth to act on that thing. It is also a fun game and an exercise for dogs.

Final thoughts

Dogs are amazing animals. And every pet owner wants the best for their pet. This Best Dog Exercise is a great way to keep them on their toes. But you need to figure out which exercise is suitable for your dog.

You can only do some of them because it can be tiresome for our dog. However, you can do one exercise a day, like taking them on a walk and playing Frisbee the next day.

It can be a good time for them to play and exercise. However, you shouldn’t take it lightly, as exercise, like diet, is essential for dogs’ health.

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