How to calm an anxious dog. If you own a dog, you must know how it feels to own a pet who often remains anxious. Dogs are more than just “man’s best friend.” They are a member of the family.

A dog can be your best friend, protector, and therapist. Moreover, dogs can sense that you are anxious, and they will react to it. If you want to calm down a nervous dog, you can do a few things.

How To Calm Down Your Dog?

Your dog might suffer separation anxiety when you leave him alone if he barks excessively, cries, chews furniture or has accidents in the house when you are away.

A panic attack might happen if you see your dog panting heavily and drooling excessively, with his eyes bulging out. Some dogs will over-groom themselves when they are stressed or anxious.

Also, this does not sound good when it concerns your lovely pet. Hence, the key to calming your anxious dog is to know the signs of anxiety and then use the most appropriate solution.

This article will provide some tips on calming your dog if it is in a state of anxiety.

Tips to calm your anxious dog

Discover 10 expert tips to soothe and calm your anxious dog. Learn how to ease your pet's anxiety and improve their well-being today!
Identify the cause of the anxiety. Once you know what is causing your dog’s anxiety, you can start to address it.

1. Calm Yourself Down

The first thing you need to do is remove yourself from the situation or place making you anxious. Your dog will feel better once they see you have taken Care of yourself and calmed down.

It would help if you took them for a walk or a car ride so they could leave their environment for a while. It would help if you also tried not to show any signs of anxiety around them because it will only make them more anxious.

Dogs are intelligent animals and can sense when their owners are anxious. It can lead to a wired cycle where the dog becomes anxious, and the owner becomes anxious because of the dog’s anxiety.

2. Rub Your Dog’s Tummy

You could try rubbing the dog’s tummy, a natural calming signal for dogs. Hence, dogs feel calm when they feel your hand on their tummy. It is the gesture that they perceive to calm down instantly.

3. Go Out With Them & Play

Dogs are always anxious and restless. They want to go out and play with other dogs but can’t because they live in a home. The solution is to take them out for a walk, but even if that doesn’t help them calm down, you should play with them in the park.

4. Don’t Serve Them Processed Food

Like humans, dogs should not be treated with processed food. Diet should be the first thing if you want to check that your dog is healthy and he is not anxious. If they’re eating processed food, try switching to natural food with no preservatives or additives.

5.    Change Your Dog’s Environment

Changing the dog’s environment is also the best strategy to soothe him. Dogs need to live in a different climate to calm themselves. They feel anxious if locked in their home and not going anywhere. Hence, changing their environment is also effective.

6. Your Voice

Sounds magical, right? Some might think their voice is insufficient to calm a dog, but it does help. We must remember that dogs have empathetic hearing and can easily pick up on our tone of voice and moods.

7. Change Their Routine

You can try to change their routine, ensure they get enough exercise, or give them a new toy. But what if you’re at work all day? It’s important to remember that dogs need attention and affection even if you’re not there.

Talk to your pet on the phone or send them a video of yourself playing with one of their favourite toys before you leave in the morning.

8. Calming Signals

If nothing is still working, you can also try calming signals. The calming signals are eye contact and petting them gently. When trying to calm your dog down, don’t make sudden movements or loud noises that might startle them and worsen their anxiety.

9. Take Care of his Basic Needs

How to Calm Your Anxious Dog?
Give your dog a blanket before leaving your home.

When you leave the home, ensure that there’s plenty of food and water in the house before leaving, so they don’t have any reason to worry about their basic needs while you’re gone.

Another thing that can help is giving your dog an extra toy or blanket before leaving them alone. It will give them something to focus on while waiting for your return.

10. Proper Grooming

Dog grooming is also a strategy that helps to soothe their anxiety. It is okay to groom them independently, but you need a dog groomer if your grooming is not working correctly.

A dog groomer is a professional who cares for and grooms dogs. A groomer can also be called a pet stylist, animal groomer, or animal care technician.

A dog groomer must know how to properly bathe and brush a dog’s fur, trim its nails and cut its hair. Dog groomers must also learn to work with a dog’s skin and coat type.

Hence, sometimes your dog feels irritated by the overgrown hairs or uncut nails. In both scenarios, it is essential to check with the professional groomer.

In some cases, your dog might be struggling with likes. In such a case, your dog needs a good haircut with the groomer.

Final thoughts

Dogs are dear pets to every pet owner and their family. But when they’re anxious, it can cause problems for the owner.

Whether it’s separation anxiety, fearfulness, or something else, there are ways to help your dog overcome their fear. However, dogs are sensitive creatures and knowing what to do when anxious can be challenging.

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