Cats vs dogs as pets. This is a question that many future pet-loving owners have probably asked themselves at least once. Sometimes, there is the certainty of wanting to lead one’s life alongside a dog or cat. Still, for various reasons (first and foremost, the space available to us and managing one’s time), one must carefully consider which ‘furry’ one should choose.

In most cases, the decision remains between cat and dog, two equally fascinating and enriching worlds. Both dogs and cats have well-defined characteristics, which make their relationship with each other unique. Of course, each creature has its personality and character, but the inclinations and general characteristics unequivocally distinguish the two species.

Cats vs dogs. The Dog

On the one hand, there is the dog, man’s most faithful friend since ancient times. On the other hand, there are many different breeds, sizes and characteristics, each suited to specific age requirements. For example, there are big, playful and mischievous dogs for those who want a bit of liveliness and fun, such as Labradors, and there are quiet, gentle and sleepy ones for those who wish for quiet companionship, such as French bulldogs.

The breed only gives an idea of the dog’s propensities and possible character, but temperament and personality are influential. Apart from the specific species and individual character, the dog requires much attention, time and dedication.

In contrast to the feline’s independence, dogs are highly dependent on their owner physically and in terms of needs and affection. They must be provided with fresh food every day (once, twice or even three times a day according to habit and the veterinary surgeon’s instructions), also taking care that the animal does not binge and become obese, which does not tend to be the case with cats, which can be left more independent: kibble can often be left on the floor for several hours, and he will decide when to eat it.


The dog must be walked several times daily to allow it to do business and get the right amount of exercise. Physical activity is essential, especially for dogs that do not have a garden or a safe outdoor space in which to play and run freely.

The importance of the stimulation and entertainment provided by the outdoor environment should not be underestimated. It becomes a moment of release for your future dog, who might otherwise suffer and show discomfort in the house, breaking and destroying furniture, shoes and more.

Beauty routine

Among the dog’s needs, cleaning and grooming should also not be forgotten; unlike most cats who do daily self-cleaning, the dog needs to be washed, combed and groomed more, both for your well-being and for peaceful and hygienic coexistence, especially if within the home walls. Read how to bathe your dog.

Dog education

Dog or cat? Choose according to your personality.
A woman is training her dog in the park.

Significant time should also be invested in educating our four-legged friend. The dog is an animal that needs basic rules, both for the stay in the house or the private garden, but especially for the occasions of meeting with other people and other dogs; one cannot afford to have a disobedient, stubborn and exaggeratedly exuberant dog when taking it to public places. Therefore, the awareness of investing time and energy in educating one’s dog is as important as other physical needs.

Cuddle and play moments

Last but not least, attention must be paid to the emotional needs of one’s pet. The dog is a social and friendly animal that hardly appreciates solitude, silence and total independence.

Obviously, like any animal, it needs its own space and time, but most of the time, it desires and needs the company of its humans.

Playing, cuddling and walking are important moments for our four-legged friend; they are moments of sharing, mutual affection and trust that must never fail for his physical and psychic well-being. Life with a dog is two, in which all kinds of experiences must be shared for the animal’s pleasure and our own.

After all, those who choose to share part of their lives with a dogged desire for the companionship, affection and closeness that only this pet can give; that strong friendship, that indestructible and exclusive bond.

Cats vs dogs. The Cat

Stroking a cat's fur decreases stress levels while the presence of a dog in the house lowers blood pressure. Did you know that?
A woman with his cat at home

Cats also need the physical and emotional attention listed above, but they are certainly much more independent than dogs; they love solitude, silence and independence more. As a result, they are calmer and more patient animals. They can also be left home alone for a few hours without too much trouble, which dogs are unlikely to appreciate, especially for more extended periods.

This does not mean that the cat does not need moments shared with its owner; on the contrary, the most eagerly awaited moments are those of cuddles and games, experienced with great pleasure by both the feline and its human. There is nothing more beautiful than reading a good book or watching television in the company of our cat’s purr.

Cats vs dogs. Autonomy in play, movement and one’s own needs

Give your kitty the perfect playground with the Amazon Basics Cat Hammock. This deluxe, scratch-friendly environment allows your pet to relax or entertain themselves for hours, keeping their claws busy and their mind content. Place it near your cat's favourite window or anywhere they like to spend time, and watch the fun begin.
Featuring a naturally fibrous construction, your cat will take great joy in clawing the rope pillars and relaxing with a bird’s eye view in their spot.

If, on the other hand, the cat is left alone for a few hours, it must be ensured that it has enough stimulation and toys in its environment, especially if it is a cat that is always indoors, the presence of a scratching post, toys and toys is essential. Animals must never get bored; otherwise, beds, curtains and sofas will become their diversion.

There is also greater independence because the cat does not need to be taken for walks in parks or other outdoor places to do its business or to be allowed to exercise correctly. In fact, on the one hand, felines use the litter box (which must be cleaned at least twice a week, while the removal of lumps is a daily task) and are therefore autonomous in the management of their excrement; on the other hand, they do not need to take long walks several times a day, the movement in their own home or garden is sufficient, as are the stimuli found there.

The cat’s primary needs

Among the principal needs to be met for the well-being of one’s cat is the provision of fresh food and water at all times; nutrition is the basis for a long, healthy and robust life. In addition, although self-cleaning cats were mentioned earlier, many breeds still need to be washed and especially combed to avoid those knots they (and we) hate so much.

Of no less importance, finally, is the affective attention that every cat deserves: although some breeds and characters are more solitary and independent, and other species that are more playful and affectionate, time to share with one’s pet should never be lacking, even after a day of strenuous work, partly because it will surely be the best time of the whole day.

Final thought

In light of the main characteristics of these two animal worlds, namely that of the dog and the cat, the choice of an animal lover is not accessible.

On the one hand, there is the faithful, unconditional and expansive love of the dog, the one who looks at you with devotion and always greets you wagging his tail and who will always be there for his beloved master and his family, and why not, also for all those he will cross his path.

On the other, we have the exclusive affection that a cat chooses to give his family, a special gift that he does not offer to everyone and that, when given, is the purest there is.

If you still can’t decide which one to welcome into your home, we advise adopting them both: the dog and cat combo is the best choice for the heart and soul, allowing you to live a unique, rich, decadent and unrepeatable experience.

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