Cocker Spaniel is also called: English cocker spaniel or just Cocker. It is defined as “sporty, robust, cheerful, compact” in the part of the Standard dedicated to the general characters: we, therefore, expect a small athlete full of vitality and temperament, built to carry out an activity where endurance and passion are required without any particular morphological specialisation which would lead to the specific development of one or more parts.

General description of the Cocker Spaniel breed

The first impression must be one of maximum balance, pleasing harmony of parts, an athletic and robust imprint without coarseness, and elegance that is neither prissy nor fragile: all moved by a charge of vitality and energy concentrated to a small extent and expressed by the activity of the tail and the rhythm of the gait which must take up a lot of ground.

The expression, the fundamental element of the type, in the English Cocker is particular: in common parlance, a specific tender, the adoring look is defined as “Cocker-like”; the expression is linked to the position of the eyes, the distance between them, their size, shape, colour and that “something” which comes from within (character, temperament, availability) and perhaps to something more.

Appearance and Attributes of the Cocker Spaniel breed

As stated in the Breed Standard, the English Cocker Spaniel is a medium-sized dog with an elegant, well-proportioned and elegant appearance. It is characterised by a neck of moderate length and rather muscular, as a skilful sniffer.

Cocker Spaniel has a relatively horizontal curve of the upper line, which tends to descend in the kidney area. It has a well-developed thorax, characterised by the presence of well-circled ribs. Among the uncoloured coats, the red and black ones are trendy.

Physical characteristics permitted by the Standard:

  • Height: 38 to 41 cm
  • Weight: 13 to 15 kg
  • Longevity: 12 to 15 years
  • Colour: red, fawn, black, blue, brown, liver, lemon, orange
  • Fur: smooth, silky, long
  • Coat: two-coloured, three-coloured, uniform

Price and maintenance Cocker Spaniel breed

The Cocker Spaniel breed is all you need to know.
Although the English cocker spaniel was officially recognised in the 19th century, it is known that already a century earlier, the English used these dogs on their hunting trips.

The price of an English Cocker Spaniel puppy is in the middle range. You will only buy a puppy from selected breeders who test their breeding stock for primary genetic diseases. It is not, however, a costly breed. However, one must consider the special grooming requirements, and if one does not have time to groom it carefully, one must contact a professional. As a matter of course, feeding will be of the highest quality.

The average price of a Cocker offered for sale from October 2022 approximately is:

£2000 referred to 62 breeders
£1000 refers to shops.
£600 between £1100 referred to 118 private individuals.

Pros and cons of the Cocker Spaniel breed

Top 5 characteristics:

  • Adaptability to flat life
  • Affectionate towards the family
  • Tolerance to cold temperatures
  • Inclination to hunt prey
  • Tendency to bark or howl

The five most problematic characteristics:

  • Character and temperament
  • Tolerance of being alone
  • Salivation and drool containment
  • Ease of grooming
  • Tendency to put on weight

Character and sociability of the Cocker Spaniel breed

Character and temperament

“Compassionate dog, which tolerates chaos badly.” The sensitivity of this dog is truly incredible. The Cocker Spaniel can read emotions. That is precisely why it needs a calm environment and regular routines that give it the security it seeks. It wants to be in the company in a quiet home and poorly tolerates chaos, shouting and irregularities daily.

Affectionate towards his family

“Very affectionate and cheerful dog.” The Cocker Spaniel is a dog that loves its family madly. It simply adores it, loves spending time with it, cuddles and games. If you decide to welcome one into your home, you will always see him wagging his tail at your every beckoning. He is fine in the company of everyone, but the owner will be his great love to whom he devotes all his attention.

Friendly with children

“Affectionate dog but can become irritable and impetuous.” This breed was born for hunting and not as a companion dog. For this reason, although its disposition is generally good, gentle, sensitive and affectionate, it does not have the obedience of other breeds. The Cocker Spaniel is a lively dog, full of energy, which needs to let off steam with runs and entertainment. With children, it can be a good playmate but can also become irritable and over-exuberant. Supervision by an adult is always necessary during an interaction.

Relationship with strangers

“Easily makes friends with strangers.” As we said, the Cocker Spaniel has a cheerful and playful character. He quickly makes friends with strangers who offer him cuddles and socialises without too much trouble. However, he can also protect his family, and his sensitivity can make him irritable. Therefore, interaction with strangers should be supervised because not all dogs of this breed like to be touched by strangers.

Sociality with other dogs

“Fairly sociable dog towards other dogs.” The playful nature of this dog means that it almost always has a positive attitude towards its fellow dogs. The English Cocker Spaniel breed approaches all dogs with a wagging tail. If you want to place him in an environment where there are other dogs, you should not encounter any significant problems on his part, especially if he is still a puppy.

Must read:

The adaptability of the Cocker Spaniel breed

Adaptable to flat living

“Perfectly suited to a flat life.”
The Cocker Spaniel is a dog that adapts well to a balanced life. He is cheerful and affectionate with his family; he loves company and lives well in the home. However, it must play and move around to give off its high energy level. The Cocker is amiable, comfortable around people he loves, and co-exists docilely with other animals.

Tolerance of being alone

“Tolerates loneliness very poorly.”
This amiable breed, attached to its family, suffers greatly from loneliness. Therefore, we advise against choosing a Cocker Spaniel if you intend to leave it alone. He needs cuddles, caresses and games with his loved ones. Otherwise, he suffers greatly psychologically. Choose it instead if you want a dog that will always accompany you, wagging its tail in happiness.

Suitable as a first dog

“Gentle and sensitive dog, but not ideal as a first experience.”
The Cocker Spaniel breed is a dog with a sympathetic character and is generally very good-natured and docile. However, this sensitivity can be a risk for first-time owners, who may damage their character by misbehaving. Furthermore, due to its somewhat stubborn nature, this breed picks up bad habits quickly and is not very easy to educate.

Cold Tolerance

“Tolerates cold rather well.”
This dog tolerates the cold quite well as long as it can stay indoors during winter. Unfortunately, it prefers to stay warm indoors rather than outdoors, and if you want to keep it outside, you must provide it with a warm, dry shelter where it can take refuge. However, it does not need any special care, even in the middle of winter.

Tolerance to warm temperatures

“Does not like high temperatures.”
Like many other dogs, the English Cocker Spaniel tolerates cold better than heat. However, in the hottest periods, he must be sheltered, in the shade or indoors, to avoid heatstroke. Therefore, it is essential to avoid letting him out during the hottest hours of the day and to let him rest at his own pace during periods of heat.

Care and Health of the Cooker Spaniel breed

The adaptability of the English Cocker Spaniel.
The cocker can follow the trail of wild animals in the sand and marshy terrain, heedless of the pitfalls of the terrain.

Care and hair loss

“It does not shed hair excessively but should be brushed regularly.”
The coat of the English Cocker Spaniel is silky, soft and with long fringes. Its hair is, therefore, not usually a big problem in the home. Just brush it regularly to minimise shedding.

Salivation and drool containment

“Does not tend to drool.”
This breed does not tend to drool. The Cocker’s graceful muzzle is also elegant in this respect. After all, they selected this dog to accompany English aristocrats in hunting woodcock, so it is evident that it knows good manners by instinct!

Ease of grooming

“Needs thorough cleaning.”
The English Cocker Spaniel breed is a dog that tends to get dirty and whose silky, thin coat needs much care. It is among the dogs that need constant attention. It needs frequent brushing to remove dander and other plant debris. The eyes and ears quickly soiled due to their length and must be carefully cleaned.

Health and Diseases

“Dog prone to certain genetic disorders.”
Unfortunately, this breed is prone to several genetic disorders, including hip dysplasia, familial nephropathy and progressive retinal atrophy. Therefore, when buying a Cocker puppy, we recommend you go to breeders who can provide proof of the parent’s Health and carry out accurate genetic tests.

Tendency to put on weight

“He may tend to put on weight and needs a lot of exercises.”
This dog may tend to put on weight and needs many exercises to stay in shape. Therefore, a balanced diet and sufficient exercise to release his many energies are essential to keep him fit (as well as to keep him mentally calm).

Cocker Spaniel breed Learning

Intelligence and training

“Dog that learns training well.”
On the trainability of the Cocker Spaniel, there are various opinions. Some emphasise this dog’s brilliant intelligence and sensitivity, which teaches training well. But, on the other hand, others point the finger at a certain stubbornness and the tendency to take bad vices if not strictly controlled. So let’s say that a dog learns well but has some slight harshness of character that must keep under control.

Loyalty and escapes

“Dog with a tendency to run away.”
One must never forget that this breed was born for hunting and has a formidable nose, boundless energy and a great desire to chase prey. Furthermore, if it is left alone for a long time, it may seek to escape to join its family or be in the company of other dogs.

Learning English Cocker Spaniel Breed.
Since he needs to move around and stay active, the English Cocke Spaniel should be given an hour a day of intense physical activity, running and sudden sprints or agility games.

Tendency to bite

“He may tend to bite, especially for the play.”
Like all active and playful dogs, the Cocker may also tend to bite. Possible nervousness should not be underestimated, a character trait due to the great sensitivity of this dog, which does not tolerate sudden noises and anything that annoyingly breaks into its domestic quietness.

Tendency to hunt prey

“Hunting dog, which tends to chase prey.”
Like all hunting dogs, the English Cocker Spaniel breed is passionate about chasing prey. So must watch him when you take him into the countryside or woods, or he may set off in pursuit of some bird – his favourite prey – or a hare. Also, be careful when near poultry houses and rabbit hutches.

Tendency to bark or howl

“Does not have a pronounced tendency to bark.”
This breed does not have a marked tendency to bark or howl. Its guarding instinct is not very well developed, and it greets strangers primarily by wagging its tail. It also makes its voice heard during playful moments.

The Cocker Spaniel breed Needs Exercise.

Energy level

“Dog that has a lot of energy and needs to move.”
Although the English Cocker Spaniel adapts well to a balanced life, this does not mean it is a passive dog. On the contrary, he is full of energy and needs a lot of exercise throughout the day. Therefore, you should set aside time every day for him to walk, let off steam and play so that he can stay fit and happy.


“Gentle but energetic dog, not very strong.”
This cheerful and energetic hunting dog can have a certain carelessness in play and engage in furious running. However, its medium size allows it to be restrained on the leash without much effort, even in moments of agitation. In any case, the dog is generally gentle and respectful to the family.

Need for exercise

“Needs a lot of exercises.”
As we have already recommended, you should not choose this breed if you are not prepared to take it out and let it run and play daily. Selected the dog to chase prey during endless marches on the estates of the English aristocracy and can trot for several hours a day. He also needs exercise to keep himself slim and healthy; otherwise, he tends to lose weight. His temperament can also be adversely affected by lack of exercise.

Tendency to play

“Playful dog full of life.”
This dog loves to play and has a cheerful nature. Bound to his family by an affectionate and sunny love, he will always want to play with his owner and family. Play also serves him to let off some of his very considerable energy. In short, this is a dog full of life and a desire to have fun.

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