Teach Dog to Sit. The first exercise we usually teach our dog is the famous “sit.” Here are instructions for teaching our dog the sit; our friend’s approach to this first simple exercise is usually quite natural, and it comes naturally to us to start requesting “the sit”, especially when granting extra rewards.

Teaching your dog sitting step-by-step instructions

Let’s start with this circumstance: we have food in our hands. It will undoubtedly stimulate the dog to jump on us to persuade us to reward him. His education is precisely to make him understand that to have something, he must request it politely, in our case, choosing to sit instead of jumping on us.

With this approach, all dog actions other than “sitting” should be ignored, including barking or touching us with his paw.

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The secret to making your dog’s problem behaviours disappear.

You are teaching your dog to sit. Well begun is half done.

The introduction of the command is an essential moment in learning an exercise, and with the above method, it should be done when the dog shows us that he has at least a vague idea of what he is supposed to do. Therefore, it is best not to say anything in the first few attempts. He will only take the reward when he sits the first few times.

After two or three times, he repeats the desired action; instead of jumping, we introduce the command “SIT” and wait for execution before giving the reward. This type of work can be called “occasional” since, to set the order, we take advantage of times when we have food to share with the dog.

Structured program

Instructions for teaching your dog to sit
How to teach your dog sitting

If, on the other hand, we wanted to follow the instructions of a regular program to teach our dog sitting precisely, we should devote five minutes every day, with a sequence that might be as follows:

  • First, get the dog’s attention with a treat.
  • Then, stand before him and give the command SIT (once only).
  • Please raise your hand with the treat and bring it toward the dog (so that he is forced to raise his head to look at it). To help him, you must move your hand so that his head tilts (with the weight back, he is more likely to sit).
  • Wait until, in between attempts, he sits down or hints at doing so, then proceed with a “BRAVO+ PRESS.”
  • Repeat about ten times.

Teaching your dog to sit the alternative could be playing

If your friend is not particularly greedy, and the food is not very stimulating, you can use a game (for example, a ball) as reinforcement. In this case:

  • Show the ball to the dog.
  • Ask it to SIT UP.
  • He remains impassive if he jumps or does anything else (don’t repeat the command too many times).
  • As soon as he sits, throw the ball (best behind him).
  • Get another ball.
  • When the dog leaves the first one (because he saw you have another), retrieve it and start again from step 2.
  • Repeat 5 or 6 times.
Instructions for teaching your dog to sit
Instructions for teaching your dog to sit with reward.

Now is the time to eliminate the reward

Once the dog has grasped the exercise well and then regularly performs the SITTING position, we can start thinking about introducing the EXTINCTION OF THE PRIZE (i.e., start asking for the training without the reward).

  • We ask for an initial SIT, holding the treat proceeding as usual.
  • We repeat once more consistently with the reward visible.
  • In the third repetition, we keep the reward in our pocket: We ask the dog to sit, making regular movements with the hand (but in this case, we do not have the tip). As soon as the dog sits, we burst into a “bravo” and immediately take the treat out of the pocket, bestowing the prize.
  • We do another repetition with the treat in hand.
  • For the fifth repetition, we place the treat a couple of meters away: We ask the dog to sit without help (only voice command SIT).
  • We wait for him to sit (this may take a while).
  • As soon as the dog performs the order, tell him, GOOD BOY! Then, we ran together to the reward, grabbed the treat, and gave it to him immediately.

This sequence (which you can perform several times) has five elements:

  1. Treat in hand.
  2. With a treat in hand.
  3. Treat in the pocket.
  4. With TreatNibble in hand.
  5. TreatNibble away.

Imparting the ‘sit’ order when walking your dog

Now begins the practical application phase during the walk:

  • First, let’s practise with the dog on the lead by performing a FOOT STOP: before stopping, we shorten the lead a little and ensure that once stopped, the dog does not cross the line of our feet (so it is precisely at our side).
  • At this point, we ask the SEDUTO not to make the dog move forward (he will try to come before us to execute the command).
  • If he moves forward, we return to the side position (FOOT position) and then ask for the SIT again.
  • As the execution of the SIT TO FOOT is more complicated, we can resume using the treats for the first few times.

Should ask the SITTING AT THE HEEL of the dog:

  • Before leaving the house door.
  • Before crossing a street.
  • When we stop to talk to someone.

Teaching your dog to sit, you have to be patient and willing

The sitting exercise is quite simple, but it is fundamental bit introduces the dog to the learning mechanisms that we can then use for any future exercise:

  • Stimulus.
  • Command.
  • Help.
  • Execution.
  • Reward.

The secret to teaching any exercise is patience and willingness. Try to practise when you have time and a correct frame of mind. If the dog is not well disposed of, or you are not calm, postpone the exercise session to another time.

In addition to the reward (food, ball, etc.), the dog must feel your enthusiasm and pride every time he performs an exercise. So try to prepare for this before starting any activity together.

Final Thought about What trick should I teach my dog after sitting?

Here are some instructions for teaching your dog to sit:

  1. Choose a quiet place to train. You want your dog to be able to focus on you and the task at hand.
  2. Have a treat ready. A small, high-value treat will help to keep your dog motivated.
  3. Stand in front of your dog with the treat in your hand. Make sure that your dog is facing you.
  4. Move the treat up and over your dog’s head. As you do this, say the word “sit.”
  5. Your dog should follow the treat with his nose, and his bottom should touch the ground. As soon as he does this, say “Good sit” and give him pleasure.
  6. Repeat steps 3-5 several times. Once your dog consistently sits when you say “sit,” you can start to fade out the treat.
  7. Once your dog is sitting without a treat, you can start to introduce distractions. Start by training in a quiet room with no distractions. As your dog gets better at sitting, you can begin to train in other places with more distractions.
  8. Be patient and consistent. It takes time and patience to train a dog to sit. Be consistent with your training, and don’t give up.

You can teach your dog to sit in no time with patience and consistency!

Final Thought about What trick should I teach my dog after sitting?
Get your dog’s attention. You can do this by clapping your hands, making a noise with a clicker, or saying your dog’s name.

Here are some additional tips for teaching your dog to sit:

  • Ensure your dog is not too excited or tired when you start training. A calm and focused dog will be more likely to learn.
  • If your dog has trouble sitting, you can try breaking the task down into smaller steps. For example, you can teach your dog to sit for a few seconds before rewarding him. Once he consistently sits for a few seconds, you can increase the time he has to sit before being awarded.
  • If your dog is not responding to the treatment, you can try using a different type of reward. Some dogs are more motivated by praise or toys than by treats.
  • If your dog is getting frustrated, take a break. Don’t continue training if your dog is getting upset. Come back to it later when he is feeling calmer.

With some patience and effort, you can teach your dog to sit!

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