How dogs say I love you. Have you ever wondered if your dog loves you as much as you love your dog? If you have, the answer is a resounding yes! Today, you will discover how your dog says I love you in no less than nine different ways, which you may have noticed but did not recognise.

Indeed, dogs express their emotions through actions that we, if we do not know, cannot understand. From now on, some of these will become clear to you.

1. How your dog says, I love you. Leaning on you

If you see that your dog leans on you, you should not think it is because you are a comfortable place to rest. You probably are, too, but that is not exclusively why a dog does it! He relies on you mainly because your dog says I love and trust you unconditionally.

2. Your dog looks at you intently.

Prolonged eye contact is a sign that your dog adores you. It is the same thing we bipeds do: when we like or are stimulated by a person, we tend to observe them, to try to understand them, to anticipate them. In short, we tend to maintain eye contact if we love someone. The same happens to dogs.

3. How your dog says, I love you. Sleeping in the room with you

Dogs express their love through actions like leaning on you, maintaining eye contact, sleeping near you, and bringing toys. Learn 9 ways dogs say "I love you" without words.
Woman and dog sleeping in bed.

Comfort is not the real and valid reason. The real reason is that they want to sleep with you because they love you and do not want to be separated. Sleeping with you while you are asleep is a sign of protection and an unbreakable union.

4. Your dog is happy when you come home.

When you come home, and your dog goes crazy with joy at seeing you, it is giving a clear signal that your dog is saying I love you, and maybe even an “I missed you” or “Don’t go away again.” In such cases, hug and cuddle them; you will make them very happy!

Dog training-It’s great for eliminating any bad behaviours by tapping into your dog’s hidden intelligence.
The secret to making your dog’s problem behaviours disappear.

5. Looks for you and checks when you are not in the same room

Your dog also says I love you in this way. If you are both at home and not in the same room, he will tend to look for you and check that everything is OK.

Moreover, if he can be near you, he will do so in any room. Therefore, being near you even when busy signifies that your dog protects and cares about you.

6. How your dog says I love you, your dog will want to ‘hug’ you

Say I love you in dog language.
Owner hugging dog.

A dog that loves you is a dog that often seeks physical contact. This method is the same way people use it when they need to show affection. However, physical contact is vital for them, and denying it would only displease them.

7. Your dog brings you his favourite toy.

When your dog brings you his favourite toy, it is an undisputed sign that he is telling you he cares about you. However, some have always thought that this gesture only meant he wanted to play. In reality, this is not the case at all.

A dog that shows you what it likes best, which can be something other than a toy, is a clear sign that it says I love you.

8. Licking your feet

Another way to tell you they love you is to lick your feet. Of course, not everyone likes this behaviour because, for us, feet are a dirty part of the body, always subject to sweat. For them, however, it is as good a way as any to tell you that not only do they love you but that they are entirely loyal to you.

Licking their feet is another way to reinforce the idea that you are their master and can always count on them.

“He who has not had a dog does not know what it is to be loved.”

Arthur Schopenhauer

9. How your dog says I love you, he smiles.

A dog that smiles is a dog that says; I love you. Some dogs learn to pull their lips back and show their super bright smile. However, this is not the prerogative of all dogs; some can do it, and others cannot.

These nine ways of communicating a dog’s affection for you are expected of almost all dogs of all breeds and ages. Every dog has its character, and it would not be strange to see them behave differently to tell you how much they love you. I want to close this article with a famous quote by Arthur Schopenhauer, who says,

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