Dog breed personalities. Uncover the Connection Between Dog Breeds and Owner Personalities. Our dog’s breed says a lot about our personality. Are you curious if you have chosen the species that most resemble you?

Our dog’s breed says a lot about our personality. Are you curious if you have chosen the species that most resemble you?

We are often surprised to see how much a dog can resemble its owner. Sometimes, it is just a physical resemblance; other times, dogs and owners tend to have similar personalities: it is not a cliché, but people choose dogs that best reflect their image.

Of course, when one decides to get a dog, one does so in a way that is compatible with one’s life rhythm, and in everyday actions, the dog’s behaviour is shaped by how we act, so the owner’s lifestyle influences the dog’s behaviour. A genuine empathic relationship is established between the two.

Tell me what dog you have and I will tell you who you are

But just as people have different personality traits, dog breeds also differ in character, inclinations and habits, and the choice of a dog almost always falls on a species with the same personality as its owner. It is, therefore, easy to understand a person’s character just by observing the breed of their friend!

You are tough and dominant if you have a Dachshund dog

If you have a Dachshund, you have a solid and decisive character, just like your four-legged friend who, despite his size, has a perfect texture. Your personality is a bit dominant, and you don’t like it when things don’t go your way.

However, you are also a person of great tenacity and determination and never throw yourself down. Of course, if one thing doesn’t go, you look for another solution. But you never give up.

You are affectionate and kind if you have a Bulldog.

You are an excellent listener with friends. You are also conscientious, patient, outgoing, sweet and protective. However, you are not very sporty. On the contrary, you love a sedentary life, comfort and good food; you are greedy and find it difficult to go on a diet.

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Balanced and open if you have a West Highland Terrier

An American vet summarised the character traits of the most popular dog breeds.

Nothing can upset you, and even if you don’t share certain things, you don’t always allow yourself to judge because you prefer to be discreet. So you are tenacious, indomitable and very confident, but simultaneously you can be very friendly with everyone.

You are gifted with an ‘elephant’s memory and do not forget anything, even an insignificant event you remember after several years. But, unfortunately, you are a little too individualistic at work.

Loyal and protective if you have a German Shepherd.

If you have a German Shepherd, you tend to be loyal and protective of those you love. So your friends know they can always count on you to be there for everyone. But simultaneously, you also look for security and protection in others.

You are a constant person and never have a quirky attitude; perhaps because of this, your nature is not particularly creative. Nevertheless, it could define you with the prototype of a best friend.

Optimistic and carefree if you have a Pug

If you own a Pug - you are a caring, considerate person with a great sense of humour.

If you have a Pug, you are a very witty, funny and friendly person who takes life with optimism and lightheartedness. Very extroverted with strangers, you can make others smile and give them good cheer.

You enjoy being in the company of other people and suffer terribly from loneliness. You are endowed with a strong sixth sense that is a lifeline for you because it is an inner voice that speaks inside you before your rationality and helps you overcome challenging moments.

Dynamic and fun if you have a Jack Russell

If you have a Jack Russell, nicknamed the ‘troublemaker’ dog, you reflect greatly on this characteristic of your four-legged friend. Like him, you think of one thing and do a hundred things.

You don’t like to sit on your hands. You are dynamic, cheerful, lively, sporty, robust, bright, intelligent, super-active, and friendly. Fun is guaranteed in your company because it is virtually impossible to get bored.

Vital and available if you have a Pomeranian

By looking at your dog and knowing its breed, anyone can understand what kind of person you are, your strengths and weaknesses.

If you have a Pomeranian, you are a person whole of life, cheerful, always kind and helpful to everyone, and never tired of helping others. In addition, you are very sensitive and can perceive even the slightest changes in character in those around you.

You notice things nobody would see and are always present, even when you seem distracted. In addition to always being alert and attentive, you are also brilliant and far-sighted.

Another characteristic of your personality is that you are also very fearless, especially in defending the things or people you care about and are connected to the most.

Quiet and family-loving if you have a Labrador

If you have a Labrador, you are a person who loves family and tranquillity. You are also reliable, with an innate inclination for stable relationships and a charming personality towards those around you.

You have a very active social life because you love to surround yourself with warm people and are a magnet for social relationships. In addition, you enjoy physical activity but are also a lover of relaxation and doing nothing.

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Breed personality. Resolute and headstrong if you have a Beagle

If you have a Beagle, you are a person who is curious to the extreme and insatiably stimulated by novelty. On the surface, you may appear to be a bit loafing, but you are a hot-blooded soul with a zest for life and energy to spare.

Emotionally, you are a stable, calm and consistent person. However, you are also very persistent and stubborn: once you set your mind to something, there is no getting away from it.

High and distracted if you have a Setter dog

Dogs - we know - are our companions in life, in adventure, in joyful moments and less happy ones, and it is no coincidence that we tend to choose each other based on potential collaboration.

If you have a Setter as a four-legged friend, you are lively, cheerful, and dynamic but also a bit flighty and sometimes unreliable. You are a big-hearted person but often distracted and, therefore, not aware of the needs of others.

But your friends love you anyway because they know you don’t do it out of malice. And then your likability is so overwhelming that they wouldn’t know how to do without you. You attach great importance to aesthetics, form elegance, and like to adopt a ‘haughty’ attitude.

Empathetic if you have a Pitbull

If you have a Pitbull, you are compassionate, even if you don’t want others to see it too much, and you need to have someone beside you who you can confide in and who can comfort you with their strong presence.

Even if you have a stiff, detached, almost domineering attitude towards others, you are empathetic, reasonable, and naive. So beware because you could make errors of judgment by idealising people who do not deserve it.

Breed personality. Versatile if you have a Basset Hound

You love the comforts of life, and you like to relax or spend your time lounging on a sofa watching TV, but at the same time, you are very dynamic and like to get outdoors, do sports and do other activities.

In short, you are very exuberant but also quiet, and you have a sharp mind and lively intelligence that allows you to become aware of situations in real-time. In addition, you are knowledgeable, cunning, and stubborn, and you always manage to get what you want.

Brave but not aggressive if you have a Bull Terrier

If you own a Jack Russell, you may look stern from the outside, but you have a very tender heart, and your friends know it well.

Brave but not aggressive if you have a Bull Terrier, just like your dog, who, despite his physical appearance, is not violent, except in case of defence of his owner from a situation of great danger.

And so you have a very courageous disposition and are very respectful towards others. You can also be very sweet and empathetic, able to connect with everyone around you immediately. Your strong character makes you dominant, but always with education, without arrogance.

Breed personality. Self-deprecating and generous if you have a Chihuahua

If you have a Chihuahua, you have a character that is very open to new experiences, curious and imaginative. This breed is a very chic but, at the same time, somewhat ‘naughty’ dog breed for quirky and creative owners.

As you might appear, you are not a superficial person who attaches importance to status. Far from it. Instead, you are endowed with a strong character but at the same time self-deprecating and also very generous.

Breed personality. Dynamic and sporty if you have a Border Collie

If you have a Border Collie, you are, like your dog, a passionate, sporty person who is always on the move and loves all outdoor activities. Your character is always cheerful, friendly and fun. You have fun in the company but are also delicate on your own.

Of course, you can’t be without doing anything for even five minutes, so you always find something to occupy yourself at home or outside. You have an innate desire to play but also to work. So the important thing for you is never to stand still.

Sweet and lazy if you have a Cavalier King

If you own a Cavalier King - you are a sophisticated, knowledgeable and, not least, romantic person.

If your dog is a Cavalier King, you are somewhat pampered, home-loving, and family-oriented. Your character is sweet, cheerful and playful. You are very affectionate and always seek compromise in the event of a difference of opinion with others.

You never claim the right to be correct, but you always prefer to hear the opinions of others and then find common ground. And this characteristic of yours is highly appreciated by the people around you.

Breed personality. It’s combative and sometimes a bit aggressive if you have a Yorkshire.

If you have a Yorkshire, you are a very harmonious and, at the same time, vigorous person. You can be highly combative, sweet, accommodating, and ‘playful’. It depends on the circumstances to which you adapt very quickly.

You have keen powers of observation and can be very critical. But, unfortunately, sometimes you express this criticism with a somewhat aggressive attitude, which is not an indication of malice but only of an inability to express your point of view in a more detached and uninvolved manner. But this is also synonymous with genuineness.

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Cheerful and playful if you have a Maltese

If you are a Maltese, you are joyful, cheerful and spontaneous. Also, you get very attached to the people around you and love their company.

You are attentive to their needs, which you always try to satisfy. You are very ‘docile’ in nature, like your little dog, and you adapt quickly to every situation and are an eternal playful and carefree little girl. Time passes for everyone, but not for you.

Determined and determined if you have a Dalmatian

If you own a Dalmatian, you are curious and always ready to embark on new adventures.

You take care of your appearance, which is always precise, elegant and clean. Also, you are very active, energetic, somewhat athletic, and like keeping fit.

You love to be together with friends and family and can’t stand solitude, which gives you a sense of melancholy and sadness. But, on the other hand, of an affectionate nature, you tend to be always in a good mood and can be very patient.

Balanced and discreet if you have a Great Dane

You are balanced, docile, and friendly if you have a Great Dane. However, sometimes, you are insecure and take on an exhibitionist attitude.

In reality, you want to make good impressions on others but can mistake your personality for snobbish behaviour. But those who know you know that beyond appearances, you are devoted to your friends who always like to make their constant presence felt discreetly and unobtrusively.

Breed personality. Sweet and touchy if you have a Weimar braco

If you own a Weimar Braco - you are a stubborn but loyal person and know perfectly well how to be in charge.

Suppose your dog is a Weimar Braco or ‘Weimaraner‘. In that case, you are an extraordinary person: on the one hand, exquisite and aristocratic and, on the other hand, rustic, affectionate and easy-going if these two opposite poles coexist well and harmoniously without clashing.

On the contrary, you convey a feeling of grace and balance. And that is your beauty. You devote a lot of care to your physical appearance because your appearance is fundamental, but this does not make you a superficial person. On the contrary, you are very proud and affectionate and go out of your way for the people you love.

Breed personality. Determined and thoughtful if you have a Rottweiler

If your dog is a Rottweiler, you are brilliant and kind, albeit slightly inconsistent, because you change your mind quickly. But this is not a defect; it can also be quality when, as in your case, you change your mind, not on a whim but to improve.

You are an excellent and determined person who looks to the future confidently and loves having reliable friends who respect you as you do them.

Breed personality. Generous and good if you have a foundling

If you prefer to adopt a foundling from the pound instead of buying a purebred dog, you have a heart of gold and are very generous. You enjoy being together with other people and hate loneliness. You are loyal to your friends and demand the same.

In short, you are a good person with character. You are also a rebellious type who hates status, is free and unconventional and lives by seizing the moment and taking things as they come. You like to have fun and take life with a smile.

What kind of dog do you have? Does it reflect your personality? Could you write it down in the comments :)?

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