A Dog eats obedience certificate. The dog receives an obedience certificate, which he eats a few hours after finishing the course.

Goodbye, obedience certificate: diploma torn to shreds.

  • The owner of a rather desperate dog took to Reddit to recount the latest exploits of his four-legged friend.
  • Unable to educate him, he turned to a course to teach him some obedience.
  • Things seemed to have improved, as he received a certificate of passing the class.
  • However, a few hours later, he tore the certificate to shreds.
  • He ate it, as is well testified by the photo the man posted

Teaching obedience to one’s dogs can be very difficult. Often, the four-legged ones are quite impertinent and prefer to do their own thing, refusing every command or rule.

So one has them attend special courses with certified experts who can finally educate them to respect good manners. So the owner of this dog did when he decided to enrol him in an obedience course for beginners.

The dog also seemed to have learnt the basics well, so much so that he received the coveted certificate. However, a few hours after graduating, the unthinkable happened, and now he has to go back and do it all over again to get his diploma.

Because now, the diploma no longer exists. The dog ate the obedience certificate, leaving it in a thousand shreds.

A dog receives an obedience certificate - he eats it a few hours after finishing the course.
Let me also chew on your diploma.

Dog certificate. Many have suggested framing what remains of the certificate.

The story of this unruly little dog, recounted by the animal’s owner himself, has gone viral on Reddit. Desperate, he narrated how the four-legged dog devoured his obedience training certificate a few hours after obtaining it.

Attaching a rather eloquent picture of the shredded certificate to the post, he wrote: ‘Last night, my dog graduated from the beginner obedience course. This morning, we found his certificate like this.

Admitting that he couldn’t help but laugh, users urged him to frame the half-chewed certificate, making the story more epic and memorable.

One joked: ‘I don’t need a piece of paper to tell the world I can behave, man‘. Another user added: ‘Let me chew on your diploma too, so everything matches the wall’. A third encouraged the dog in his ‘bad’ deeds: ‘I would be so proud—rebel against the system, puppy‘.

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