French bulldog care guide. The French Bulldog breed reminds us of a pet dog with its small size, but its bones and musculature make us think of a miniature Molossian.

The French Bulldog combines sympathy and majesty with its lively look and bursting build, which is more massive than a pug and less frowning than its English “cousin”.

From the pet dog, he has acquired manageability, reliability and gentleness. The result is a perfect combination that makes this dog the ideal companion for owners looking for quiet company but do not want to give up having “a dog on a leash”.

Its ideal weight ranges from 10kg for females to 14kg for males; it is certainly not the typical dog to be carried or cuddled in a handbag.

Even if its size is considered among all companion dogs, it is still a companion of small dimensions. So, if you are looking for a “furry friend” to share an apartment, the French Bulldog will be a faithful companion.

French Bulldog Origin 

There are many hypotheses regarding the origin of this breed: some say it was born and developed in French territory, but this theory does not have much historical evidence. 

The most rational hypothesis is that this breed probably originated with English Bulldog blood. Some specimens of the English Bulldog were used to create an amiable, gentle and small dog.

It is supported by the theory that crossbreeding was necessary because the English bulldog had many problems, among which was that the skull was too big and females had difficulty giving birth. 

Usually, it was done by caesarean section; therefore, they tried to reduce the various defects with a new breed. However, this breed has not found particular success and popularity.

They are a fearless, energetic, cheerful, cuddly, emotional and knowledgeable dog.
Puppy French Bulldog.

French Bulldog breed. General description

The French Bulldog breed is a small Molossian with a muscular and capable build. It is a dog suitable for a balanced life and living with an inexperienced owner. It has no tolerance for cold or hot temperatures and can be somewhat wary of strangers.

It has a rather peculiar morphology and is recognisable by its large ears. It enjoys relatively good health and does not have excessive hair loss. Its energy level is, on average, low, and it is a relatively mild animal. However, it loves to play a lot.

Appearance, Attributes and Temperament of the French Bulldog breed

The French Bulldog breed is a small, stocky Molossian with a compact and muscular build. At a glance, the main intriguing feature is the joints’ relatively “unbalanced” position, which gives the impression that the dog is always ready to snap.

The torso is relatively short but also very wide in the torso area and connects perfectly with the neck, which is very balanced with the rest of the body even though it is relatively short. The muzzle is also characteristic, flattened and rounded at one with the skull. The ears are the hallmark of the Bulldog with their particular shape and size.

Physical characteristics permitted by the standard:

  • Height: 24 to 35 cm
  • Weight: 10 to 14 kg
  • Longevity: 10 to 13 years
  • Colours: fawn, white, spotted, black
  • Fur: dense, smooth, short
  • Coat: masked, two-tone, uniform, brindled

French Bulldog temperament, entertaining and dependable.

The French bulldog breed is comical, fun, and dependably amiable despite its glum expression.

As comfortable in an apartment, as he is on a farm, he is more lively than you might suspect from his chunky appearance. French Bulldog puppies are especially frisky, and ball chasing is one of their passions. Adults are more dignified and can be champion couch potatoes, but they also love to clown around and go for walks in cool weather.

Many Frenchies are friendly with everyone, while others are politely reserved. For example, French Bulldogs bark to announce visitors but are otherwise quiet dogs.

Usually peaceful with other pets (though some French Bulldogs will hunt small rodents), males may bicker with other males.

The French Bulldog is quite stubborn and can be challenging to train. Yet, our dog is surprisingly sensitive, remembers what the dog learns, and responds well to early, patient, ongoing training that utilises food motivation.

Snorting, snuffling, and flatulence go with the territory of short-faced breeds.
Swimming pool owners must exercise caution: Because of their stocky build and heavy heads, many Frenchies cannot swim and will drown if they fall into a pool.

PRO: If you want a dog who…

  • It is smallish but very sturdy — not a delicate lapdog
  • Has large, expressive eyes
  • It has a sleek, easy-care coat that comes in many colours.
  • Is usually polite with everyone, including other pets
  • Typically loves to play games and chase balls
  • He doesn’t need much exercise.
  • He doesn’t bark much.

A French Bulldog may be right for you.

CON: If you don’t want to deal with…

  • Snorting, snuffling, wheezing, snoring, some slobbering
  • Gassiness (flatulence)
  • Stubbornness and slowness of house
  • Quite a few potential health problems due to his deformed face
  • High cost

A French Bulldog may not be suitable for you.

Other temperament traits and characteristics of the French Bulldog breed

Considering a French Bulldog, I would be most concerned about

  • Minimising the problems that their short face can cause. Read about these particular health problems and make sure you’re willing to take extra steps to care for your French Bulldog:
  • His respiratory system is compromised, so don’t smoke near him, don’t use chemical cleaning products, and keep him away from allergenic pollen and freshly cut grass.
  • Ensure your vet uses only the most modern anaesthetics (such as isoflurane) and insist on a heart and blood pressure monitor. Unfortunately, many vets are NOT careful enough when anaesthetising short-faced breeds.
  • In hot or humid weather, minimise his outdoor activity and keep him in an air-conditioned home. Short-faced dogs have a high risk of heatstroke because they can’t pant vigorously enough to lower their body heat.

French bulldog breed uses a harness, not a collar, on walks.

French Bulldog temperament, entertaining and dependable.

Walk him in a Y-shaped harness that wraps around his chest, not his throat. A collar puts pressure on his windpipe, making breathing more laborious.

  1. Wash and dry the folds of skin on his face after every meal.

  2. Stubbornness! French Bulldogs breed is not Golden Retrievers. Most French Bulldogs are pretty stubborn and can be manipulative. You must show them, through absolute consistency, that you mean what you say. (Food is an excellent motivator for French Bulldogs, but if you give too much and don’t provide commensurate exercise, you’ll end up with a fat, unhealthy French Bulldog.)

  3. Housebreaking. Expect four to six months of consistent crate training.

  4. French Bulldog sounds. Because of their short face, most French Bulldogs snort, snuffle, wheeze, grunt, and snore loudly. The sounds are endearing to some people but nerve-wracking to others.
  5. Gassiness (flatulence). All short-faced breeds gulp air when they eat, which has to go somewhere.
  6. Health problems. Because of poor breeding practices and their short face, French Bulldogs suffer more than their share of health problems, especially joint diseases, spinal disorders, eye diseases, heart disease, and more.

Price and maintenance

The purchase of a French Bulldog puppy is in the medium to high bracket. The price of the French Bulldog varies between £1000 and £4000. The French Bulldog breed belongs to the “Pet and toy dogs” group. The most significant expenditure for maintaining the French Bulldog is concentrated on its physical appearance and health.

An experienced vet must periodically check this dog to assess its health parameters efficiently. The expense for quality food for an adult French Bulldog is around £40/60 per month. Given the enormous popularity of the breed, it is advisable to rely only on serious breeders with proven experience who test and monitor the health and physical characteristics of their breeding stock.

Pros and cons

Top 5 characteristics:

  • Suitable as a first dog
  • Affectionate towards the family
  • Friendly with children
  • Relationship with strangers
  • Care and shedding

The five most problematic characteristics:

  • Tolerance to hot temperatures
  • Tolerance of being alone
  • Tendency to put on weight
  • Tolerance to cold temperatures
  • Tendency to hunt prey

French Bulldog breed. Character and sociability


“It has a good emotional temperament.”
This breed displays all the ‘humanity’ that sometimes comes from a dog’s emotionality. It is a characteristic that can be described as specific to the French Bulldog and which, in certain situations, can take on the character of an unexpected fragility. Therefore, it is helpful to be methodical when addressing this dog without forcing too much in the calls and limiting exasperation when you fail to get him to perform the desired action. It is, however, a joyful, enterprising and courageous breed.

Affectionate towards the family

“Maximum affection towards the family.”
One of the French Bulldog’s most appreciated talents is giving affection to family members. However, this dog can also become exaggeratedly protective of family members and children. This aspect makes him a candidate for an excellent host, but he must be controlled for any nasty attitudes towards strangers. Nevertheless, he is jealous of his affections and loves his family unconditionally, who is always the centre of his attention.


Like the rest of the family, the Bulldog can also show its affection to children. The curiosity this dog stimulates in children relates to its Bulldogcal characteristics and does not mask the tendency that everyone leads to adore this dog, particularly puppies. It is a reciprocal demonstration of affection that must never remove the owner from his duties as a ‘guardian’ during the interaction.

Relationship with strangers

“Good tolerance towards strangers.”
The French Bulldog is an animal capable of developing the natural characteristics of an excellent host. Among the less appreciable aspects of this breed is its lack of tolerance towards strangers. The Bulldog is, in fact, capable of behaving in its way when it finds itself in less usual contexts, such as public environments, and of developing a penchant for jealousy and mistrust when it finds strangers in the home, like a faithful guard dog. He is an excellent spotter.

Sociality with other dogs

“Good sociality with other dogs.”
Generally, the French Bulldog does not tolerate the affection of its owner and family members being “divided” between it and another animal. In this case, early socialisation is essential to enable the Bulldog to develop cohabitation with other members of the animal family. However, he has no particular shortcomings in his relationship with other dogs.


Adaptability to flat life

“Good adaptability to a flat life.”
The French Bulldog (or Bouledogue Français ) has all the characteristics needed to live well in a flat of any size. It does not require too much space and does not like the busy life of dogs that require a lot of daily exercise. His nature is that of a calm, if extremely joyful, dog. This particular inclination makes him ideal for living indoors or in areas without ample outdoor space.

Tolerance of being alone

“Low tolerance to being alone.”
A dog often seeks contact with its owner and family members. The French Bulldog breed is not suited to solitude because it has a mutual temperament. This dog needs as much affection as he is willing to give, and this nature makes him dependent on closeness with loved ones so as not to run into problems of a psychological nature that are somewhat difficult to solve.

Suitable as a first dog

“Good adaptability as a first dog.”
Numerous parameters must always be taken into account when it comes to choosing a breed for an inexperienced owner. One of the most intelligent factors in the French Bulldog is a relative tendency towards the reserve. It is a subject that depends on the affection of its family members, but this inclination can be balanced by its relative disobedience. It is, however, a very cheerful dog that will absolve some shortcomings of a novice owner.

Tolerance to cold temperatures

“Low tolerance to cold temperatures.”
The French Bulldog, with its relatively small size and very short coat, is a dog that can develop a fair amount of muscle, but this is not an advantage that can enable it to cope with the bitter cold. In addition, the French Bulldog is a flat dog, so it is best to avoid leaving it outside, especially on cold winter days and in the presence of weather.

Tolerance to hot temperatures

“It does not tolerate heat.”
The French Bulldog’s tolerance to hot temperatures is low. It is counted among the dogs that cannot tolerate heat and must always be controlled during the day. What penalises him, as is the case with many dogs with these conformations, is the short nasal passage, the truffle and the respiratory cavities, which show inefficiency in adequately cooling the air to the lungs in the presence of high temperatures. Therefore, special attention must be paid to the symptoms of heatstroke.

Suitable for family life. It has a splendid relationship.
Suitable for family life.

Care and Health

Care and hair loss

“Low coat loss.”
Dogs with short coats are the best friends of flats and furniture such as sofas, armchairs, and clothing. The French Bulldog does not show any particular problems. It develops a somewhat limited hair loss and does not have abundant shedding, not even at critical times of the year, in seasons when these can be accentuated. However, this aspect does not exempt the owner from paying careful attention to weekly grooming and care of the coat.

Salivation and drool containment

“Good drool containment.”
The drool containment of the French Bulldog breed is quite efficient. It allows a relatively peaceful sleep for all those owners who suffer from this particular anxiety, especially for their clothes or the highlight areas of the house. The Bulldog has no particular salivation and, although it is prognathic if its teeth are not occluded,

Ease of cleaning

“Excellent ease of cleaning.”
The attention that needs to be paid to the French Bulldog is relative and is not characterised by particularly demanding daily events. However, the owner of a dog of this breed will have to pay attention to crucial moments represented by the after-meal or daily walk in sensitive areas such as the muzzle and tail area. In addition, a wipe with the hair-removing glove once a week and a bath when necessary will keep the Bulldog in perfect shape and clean.

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Health and Diseases

“Good health and quite resistant to disease.”
Generally speaking, the French Bulldog is a dog that maintains excellent health. However, this must be linked to sharing check-ups with a very experienced veterinary surgeon, who can accurately assess any heart disease and dislocation of the patella. Special attention will be paid to breathing.

Tendency to put on weight

“Tends to put on weight.”
From a physical point of view, this dog needs particular activity not to put on weight. A French Bulldog that rarely moves and shares unhealthy meals is an animal that gains weight remarkably quickly. For this reason, the owner must pay attention to his dietary health to maintain an ideal figure.

Learning the French Bulldog breed

Intelligence and training

“High intelligence to education.”
With this breed, special attention must be paid to behaviours that may develop during education and be characterised throughout life. For example, the French Bulldog, in some cases, is a dog that may show a discreet reserve in responding to particular instructions from its owner. However, even during education, this dog interprets everything as a game. One must, therefore, be able to make the Bulldog read situations appropriately and not allow it to develop behaviour outside the rules.

The reason why French bulldogs are a favourite breed choice among families is because they are one of the most playful dogs. They are a particularly good breed when it comes to children and other animals.
The French Bulldog has the particular inclination to be a quiet dog.

Loyalty and running away

“Loyal and little prone to escapes.”
Due to its physical characteristics, the French Bulldog does not develop pronounced dynamism. This translates into a certain calmness and unfamiliarity with behaviour that can be risky, such as sharing a flight. It is not a dog inclined to dig up dirt in the area of fences, let alone jump over them. It simply loves to share everyday life with its family members in the home environment, which is more agreeable to its way of being.

Tendency to bite

“Excellent self-control in biting.”
Despite its particular inclination to be a tranquil and welcoming dog towards more or less unknown guests, it tends to be attached to its territory and to share feelings of jealousy towards those who approach family members. This inclination may result in exaggerated reactions in borderline cases.

Tendency to hunt prey

“Minimal tendency to hunt prey.”
The French Bulldog was not born as a hunting dog. It is, yes, a dog that is very intrigued by the presence of smaller animals in the house or outdoors, but it does not generally share pursuit to the limit. If you have animals such as birds or small rodents in your home, it is always right to pay attention to their interaction with your Bulldog, even though the dog would tend to ignore, if not tease, any interaction.

Tendency to bark or howl

“He barks little and only when needed.”
Despite its inclination to develop a particular talent for territoriality and, therefore, being regarded as a generally rather protective breed, it does not like to use specific howls or bark for a long time. Precisely because of its territoriality, it is an excellent candidate to be an effective warning dog. Still, it does not produce excessive alarms and is, for this reason, a perfect choice for a house pet or apartment living.

The French Bulldog Needs Exercise

Energy level

“Low energy level.”
The French Bulldog has low energy levels with little inclination towards excessive physical activity or dangerous dynamism within the home. We are dealing with a dog that is somewhat prone to relaxation. An advantage is when you take a dog into rooms with delicate objects and, above all, when going out for a walk in public areas, where a leash is mandatory, mainly to avoid interaction with aggressive animals.


“A rather low vigour.”
The physical characteristics of the French Bulldog are rather dual in this respect. It is not a dog with an imposing physical structure that allows it to express great vigour, but it is structured in a rather peculiar way. Such developed joint systems and sharing a rather accentuated musculature in the paws may allow him to develop a particular vigour at certain times, such as when he is intrigued by something and tends to have a reasonably good leash pull. However, these are borderline and relatively ignorable events.

Need for exercise

“He does not need much exercise.”
Rather than actual exercise concerning the everyday life of the Bulldog, one can speak of a quiet, healthy outing. This is because this dog does not have the physical characteristics of an athlete and cannot develop a high amount of exercise. However, the owner of a French Bulldog should be able to schedule daily activity for the animal in two to three outings, which may include simple walks lasting 15 to 30 minutes each, to maintain good dog reactivity.

Tendency to play

“Excellent tendency to play.”
Although we are talking about a breed that is generally relaxed and somewhat prone to calm, it is possible to state that the French Bulldog is a dog that is very interested in playful activities of various kinds. Its lively nature is expressed at all times of the day. He enjoys having fun with his owner, children, and those who invite him to playful moments.

It would be best if you tried to prevent him from gaining weight because this could lead to problems with breathing. Heat and too much physical activity will also cause damage to breathing.

French Bulldogs are wonderful companions, but they do require some special care. Here are some tips for taking care of your French Bulldog:

  • Be aware of their respiratory issues. French Bulldogs have a short snout, which can make it difficult for them to breathe. This is especially true in hot weather, so keep your French Bulldog cool and hydrated. Avoid strenuous exercise and long walks in hot weather.
  • Groom them regularly. French Bulldogs have wrinkles and folds that can trap dirt and moisture, leading to skin infections. Clean your French Bulldog’s wrinkles and folds regularly with a damp cloth.
  • Keep their weight under control. French Bulldogs are prone to obesity, so it’s essential to feed them a healthy diet and make sure they get plenty of exercise.
  • Take them to the vet for regular check-ups. French Bulldogs are prone to certain health conditions, such as hip dysplasia and cherry eye. Taking your French Bulldog to the vet for regular check-ups is essential to catch any health problems early.

Your French Bulldog can live a long and healthy life with proper care.

Here are some additional tips for taking care of your French Bulldog:

  • Start training your French Bulldog as soon as possible. French Bulldogs are intelligent dogs, but they can also be stubborn. Early training will help them learn basic commands and obedience.
  • Socialise your French Bulldog from a young age. This will help them get used to being around other people and animals.
  • Be patient and consistent with your training. French Bulldogs can be slow learners, but they will eventually learn what you are trying to teach them.
  • Make sure your French Bulldog has plenty of toys to play with. This will help keep them entertained and out of trouble.
  • Love your French Bulldog unconditionally. They will love you back unconditionally.

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