Boxer dog breed characteristics and care guide. Here is everything you need to know about the Boxer, a dog with a playful and sweet character! Contrary to popular belief, the Boxer is not a naturally aggressive dog. Instead, its sole purpose is to protect its owner.

Boxers were initially born as fighting dogs and had a reputation for being aggressive. However, in reality, they are only very protective of their owners. This factor is also due to their character, as they are lovely.

However, it is a breed that needs to be trained and educated correctly. The ideal would be to do it as a puppy. The Boxers are lively and playful and must learn to control their impulses. The owner must also contribute by releasing some energy with long walks.

The Boxer breed. General description

The Boxer breed is an averagely suitable dog for a balanced life as long as it is exercised several times daily in walks and playtime. It cannot tolerate loneliness and temperatures that are too cold or hot. However, it loves interacting with families and children and does not shed too much.

Its health is quite good but must be closely monitored. It may tend to put on weight. However, it is a very loyal dog. It has high energy levels and great vigour and needs daily Exercise.

How are the Boxer Dogs born?

The origin of the Boxer dog dates back to the 19th century in Munich, Germany. Here, dog lovers tried different crosses to obtain a new breed. Unfortunately, the specimens involved in the experiment were mainly English Bulldogs and Bullenbeissers.

The results were so satisfactory that in 1895 the Boxer was registered as an official dog breed. After the First World War, these dogs were also imported to the United States. From 1940 onwards, this breed gradually became one of the world’s most popular and well-known breeds.

Origin of the name “Boxer.”

At first, Boxers were mainly used as fighting dogs against bulls. However, when this practice fell into disuse, the breed was tasked with helping butchers guard livestock.

It is no coincidence that their name seems to derive from the German word Box, which means slaughterhouse. Other theories, however, are that they were named Boxers because of how they move their front paws when playing, which is reminiscent of the foot movements of boxers.

Breed-Boxer-Puppy-Attributes: playful-sweet-and-devoted
Boxer Puppy In Toilet Paper.

Appearance and Attributes of the Boxer breed

The Boxer is a dog whose size is square and medium-sized and with a powerful and proud appearance. The limbs are straight and of good bone structure. The chest’s depth is proportional to the height at the withers. The tail is straight and rather long.

The head gives the Boxer its characteristic appearance, and its beauty is based on the harmonious relationship between the muzzle and skull. A short and rather squarish muzzle characterises it with a truffle with wide-open nostrils. The colours are fawn and tiger; white is not permitted in breeding but is granted a pedigree.

Physical characteristics permitted by the standard:

  • Height: 53 to 63 cm
  • Weight: 28 to 36 kg
  • Longevity: 9 to 15 years
  • Colours: fawn, white
  • Fur: Hard, smooth, short
  • Coat: Two-coloured tiger

Price and maintenance of The Boxer breed

The price of a Boxer puppy is in the middle range (£600-2200). However, attention must be paid to some essential details to maintain a Boxer. First, an animal needs a high-quality diet and must be closely monitored.

It has good health but must be checked for genetic heart disease, dysplasia and degenerative spondylosis. It is strongly recommended to only buy the puppy from serious breeders who test their breeding stock.

Pros and cons of the Boxer breed

Top 5 characteristics:

  • Tolerance to hot temperatures
  • Energy level
  • Tendency to play
  • Affectionate towards family
  • Child-friendliness

The five most problematic characteristics:

  • Exercise requirement
  • Vigour
  • Tolerance to standing alone
  • Tolerance to cold temperatures
  • Health and disease

The Boxer breed. Character and sociability

Character and temperament

“Playful dog of great emotional sympathy.”
The Boxer breed is a proud, friendly, playful and affectionate dog. The advantage of a dog with the Boxer’s temperament is that it can show particular aptitudes in different disciplines. It adapts appropriately to playful and sporting activities. The Boxer is responsive to its owner’s commands as long as the established relationship is consistent. It has a lovely and loving temperament, earning it the reputation of an excellent sitter.

Affectionate towards the family

“Excellent affection towards the family.”
The most significant expression of happiness for the Boxer is the one this dog shares during interaction with all family members. These moments are a source of joy for the Boxer, who reciprocates this with unique displays of affection. This great affection towards the family allows the Boxer breed to develop a sense of protection towards family members and to put this into practice when necessary.

Friendly with children

“Very friendly with children.”
The Boxer is a friendly dog towards children and has a great sense of responsibility towards them. It is a very protective dog with tiny humans. It is fully aware of the level of interaction it can have with children, but this must be linked to the indispensable presence of the owner. It is considered a ‘babysitter’ dog due to its great disposition towards small children.

Boxer breed. Relationship with strangers

“High tolerance towards strangers.”
A perfectly trained Boxer is the most serene dog in the world. However, depending on the context, the Boxer can respond differently in its tolerance of strangers. For example, when a stranger is in the vicinity of the house, the Boxer intervenes to warn the owner of the presence of an approaching person and acts accordingly in different ways as needed.

Sociality with other dogs

“Medium sociable with other dogs.”
The Boxer breed does not have an amicable relationship with dogs that may interfere with its daily activities and, more generally, may have an aggressive approach. However, a Boxer who is accustomed to the presence of other dogs from the first months of life will be able to react well and respectfully.

TheAdaptability of the Boxer Breed

Suitable for flat living

“Suitable for flat life.”
Whether or not the Boxer breed can adapt to a balanced life depends on essential factors relating to the dog’s daily routine. A flat that allows him to enjoy an outdoor space immediately adjacent to the house is ideal for the Boxer. He is relatively active and, thanks to the daily outings, life in the flat will be easier and more pleasant. However, the Boxer is a very reactive and dynamic dog, and it is necessary to educate it not to destroy objects, as it tends to bite and use everything as a game.

Tolerance of being alone

“Minimal tolerance to being alone.”
Long hours alone for the Boxer are not recommended. It is advisable not to leave your Boxer alone for too long, as he could get bored and cause trouble in the house. If you have a garden, going with the dog in this space would be advisable as he would have more fun, and you would find everything in order when you return.

Suitable as a first dog

“It could be a good dog experience if the owner is a very consistent person.”
The Boxer is an average breed suitable as a first dog. It needs a very vigorous owner who can fully understand its temperamental nature. However, its character is robust, friendly and loving, and it is also a dominant dog that must be well-educated by a patient and determined owner. He will be educated gently so the Boxer understands what is needed for a happy coexistence.

Tolerance to cold temperatures

“Low tolerance to cold temperatures.”
Despite the Boxer’s great muscularity, we are dealing with a dog that has difficulty with cold temperatures. As a short-haired dog, it tends to prefer a mild climate. The Boxer’s owner will have to identify the best times to allow him to go out daily, trying to avoid, as far as possible, less-than-ideal situations which force him to stand still for too long in cold environments.

Tolerance to hot temperatures

“Minimal tolerance to hot temperatures.”
The Boxer’s problem with hot temperatures is characteristic of many other brachycephalic dogs. This breed has a particular conformation of the muzzle. As a result, the respiratory canals are short, and the hot air that passes through them to reach the lungs cannot cool effectively. This problem can lead to significant cardiac/respiratory discomfort. It is, therefore, advisable to be very careful with the Boxer during hot and humid days.

Boxers are upbeat and playful. Their patience and protective nature have earned them a reputation as a great dog with children.
Boxer breed is a particularly proud-looking dog with a lovely soul.

How to Take Care of The Boxer Breed Dog

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Care and hair loss

“Shallow hair loss.”
One of the significant advantages of the Boxer, especially for people living in flats, is that this dog has a sparse coat and does not have pronounced shedding. Unfortunately, so often, the owner of a Boxer feels entitled to neglect the regular care that this breed needs. Instead, weekly grooming with a hair-removing glove and bathing ensure that the skin and coat are clean.

Salivation and drool containment

“Regular drool containment.”
Although a breed with the characteristic of prognathism, the Boxer breed should not show any particular inclination to drool. The dog’s ability to contain it, therefore, is also regulated depending on the morphological conditions of the mouth. A relatively warm environment may modify drool containment, as may occur at particular times of the day. If the Boxer’s prognathism is well regulated, he should not have any saliva leakage, as required by the standard that penalises the “drooling subject”.

Ease of cleaning

“Easy to clean and keep clean.”
The Boxer breed can count on the ease of daily cleaning provided by a shaved coat that can be kept in splendid shape with minimal effort. An advantage in terms of the time the owner has to spend in finding a time for his regular grooming. Indispensable, of course, is the need for monitoring of the eyes, mouth and interdigital and during periods when parasites may be present.

Health and Diseases

“Healthy breed if monitored.”
The Boxer is a breed that generally enjoys good health if the breeder pays attention to the genetic parameters during the mating phase. However, this breed can develop heart disease of gene origin, deforming spondylosis and dysplasia of the hips and elbows. For this reason, purchasing this breed from responsible breeders who test for these diseases is essential.

Tendency to put on weight

“Medium tendency to put on weight.”
It is worth saying that it does not take much to “ruin” a Boxer’s physique. This dog is genetically born as an athlete with great potential. This power is perfectly expressed in its great muscularity. It is, however, a breed that could have weight problems if it is kept on a sedentary lifestyle characterised by little Exercise, not least because it can consume fair amounts of food.

The Boxer breed Learning.

Intelligence and training

“High propensity for training.”
The first sentence of the official Boxer standard in the Behaviour and Character section describes the Boxer as follows: The Boxer must be firm of nerves, self-confident, calm and balanced. The Boxer’s extraordinary abilities are well developed towards any activity. It is a dog that relies heavily on a consistent owner willing to establish a relationship of mutual trust. The Boxer is not a stubborn or headstrong dog, and its socialisation from puppyhood will ensure that it becomes an easy dog to train due to its innate obedience and willingness to learn.

Loyalty and escapes

“It is not suited to escapes.”
The Boxer breed has no predisposition to escape as he is always focused on safeguarding his home and family. Furthermore, he is naturally loyal, and nothing could distract him from his duties as a good guardian. Therefore, convincing him to remain faithful to his territory is easy, as his dominant loyalty and faithfulness will never fail.

Do you want to train your dog? Then, why not try this online course on developing your dog’s “Hidden Intelligence.”

The Boxer is a vigilant “hearing” guard dog, both dignified and self-assured when not being a clown. With children, they're patient and playful.
One of the Boxer’s main characteristics is his attachment to his family.

Tendency to bite

“Little inclined to bite.”
The bite of a guard dog is only permitted in the event of danger to one’s family or property, and training plays a vital role in making the dog understand the bite pressure. The Boxer is a vigilant dog, and it is a foregone conclusion that it can become aggressive if it infringes on its property or people. The breed, however, is not considered to be biting.

Tendency to hunt prey

“Tendency to hunt average prey.”
In the case of the Boxer breed, the instinct or tendency to hunt prey can be traced back to the breed’s great dynamism and curiosity. As with other dogs, early socialisation with other animals may help to equip the Boxer with the ability to understand when and how to act when faced with smaller or larger animals.

Tendency to bark or howl

“Tendency to bark or howl average.”
The characteristic of almost every dog breed is that it uses dialogue to interact as much as to communicate, especially with its owner. It is not a breed that has an excessive tendency to bark. Instead, the dog reacts to the barking of others when there is a foreign presence in its territory.

The Boxer breed Needs Exercise.

Energy level

“Maximum energy level.”
Suppose one dog is capable of displaying high energy levels if only about its physical appearance; it is the Boxer. This athlete with enormous potential was born to amaze the people he interacts with. Running, jumping, and reactivity are his most important assets. All this is done as if he were always in the middle of a competition.


“High level of vigour.”
Nothing different from what the evidence suggests. The Boxer is a dog with a very high vigour that can be understood precisely as a great display of physical strength during various activities. It is precisely this great vigour that can be a problem in the home. This is one of the reasons why the owner of a Boxer should not forget to take care of this dog in specific contexts and equip himself with a strong lead.

Need for exercise

“Very much in need of daily exercise.”
A Boxer that spends its daily routine sedentary in the home is an unhappy dog. The Boxer needs daily Exercise and regular activity to develop and grow physically and mentally healthy. These needs must be met with at least a few hours of daily exercise. The helpful way to enable the Boxer to maintain a good figure and weight and to avoid developing psychological problems, is to exercise as much as possible.

Tendency to play

“Great tendency to play.”
The activities that can be developed with the Boxer are many and varied. This breed loves to chase, jump, and interact with objects and people. However, it is a relatively slow-growing dog, considering it tends to reach an ‘adult’ age at around three years of age. This detail clarifies the Boxer’s tendencies: a puppy that grows in size but never gives up play and fun. For this, a responsible and attentive owner will be indispensable.

Finding a Boxer puppy/rescue

The Boxer is a medium-sized, short-haired dog breed that developed in Germany in the late 19th century. They are known for their square heads, muscular build, and playful personality. Boxers are popular family pets known for their loyalty, intelligence, and energy.


The Boxer is a descendant of the now-extinct Bullenbeisser, a mastiff-type dog used for hunting and bull baiting. The Bullenbeisser was crossed with the Bulldog in the late 19th century to create the Boxer. Boxers were originally used as working dogs but quickly became popular family pets.


Boxers are medium-sized dogs with short, smooth coats. They are typically fawn or brindle and may have white markings on their chest, feet, and muzzle. Boxers have a square head with a broad muzzle and a short, undershot jaw. They have a muscular build and a short, strong back. Boxers typically weigh between 65 and 80 pounds and stand between 21 and 25 inches tall at the shoulder.


Boxers are known for their playful, energetic, and friendly personality. They are loyal and protective of their family and make excellent watchdogs. Boxers dogs are also intelligent and easy to train. They are a good choice for families with children, as they are patient and gentle with them.


Boxers are relatively low-maintenance dogs. They need regular Exercises, such as walks or runs, and they should be brushed once a week. Boxers are also prone to certain health conditions, such as hip dysplasia and heart disease. It is essential to have your Boxer regularly checked by a veterinarian.


The Boxer is a great family pet. They are loyal, intelligent, and playful. Boxers are also relatively low-maintenance dogs. The Boxer is the perfect breed if you are looking for a loving and affectionate companion.

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